ICT Hospital Management System empowers administration to manage Human Resources in a very sophisticated way.Management information system(MIS) allows for ananlyzing and monitoring each department by the top-management of the hospital. Human resources involve those people that are responsible for the maintenance of an organization. In a hospital Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacist , Laboratorists , Accountants, Receptionist and other administrative staff falls in the category of Human resources. Hospital Management Software
List of nurses added can be viewed in a table.
List may contain Nurse’ Name,Email,Password,Address,Phone and Picture. Healthcare Management Software
List of nurses added can be viewed in a table. Hospital Administration Software
List may contain Nurse’ Name,Email,Password,Address,Phone and their Picture
List of Laboratory operators added can be viewed in a table. Best Hospital Management Software
List may contain Laboratorist’ Name,Email,Password,Address,Phone and their Picture .
List of accountants added can be viewed in a table.
List may contain Nurse’ Name,Email,Password,Address,Phone and their Picture
List of Receptionist added can be viewed in a table. Top Hospital Management Software
List may contain Receptionist’ Name,Email,Password,Address,Phone and their Picture