ICT Hospital Management System (HMS) manages records of doctors of the hospital. The doctor is responsible to treat or restore human health through the practice of medicine. Doctor’s data is managed according to their specialization like Chest specialists, Gynecologists, surgeons, and physicians. Hospital Management Software
ICTHospital framework manages and stores Doctor’s information. Healthcare Management Software
The following functions are available in the Doctors Management Module.
Doctors list: It shows the detail about the doctor as Information of doctor,
Edit: It can be used to make changes in the information of the doctor
Appointments are taken from the doctor
The holidaies of the doctor, Time schedule when the doctor is available. Hospital Administration Software
Detail of the doctor can also be deleted.
New records can also be added to doctor’s lists.
Treatment History shows detail about how many patients are treated by the doctor. Best Hospital Management Software
List of all the patients can be also viewed through date. Top Hospital Management Software
Treated from “Date from” till “Date to”.